Why write a nebuliser blog?
Our blog is here to help all nebuliser users, to keep you up to date and give you hints and tips to make life simple.

What is a blog?
Blog, it’s a noun, it’s common definition is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
Blog, it’s also a verb meaning to add new material to or regularly update a web page.
It can be a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts or memos to the world. A blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.
The Evergreen Nebulisers blog pages are written for people and by people who need to use a nebuliser.
With the Evergreen blog pages we aim to provide a little of all of the above. Primarily related to nebulisers but also keeping you up to date with news from our kindred spirits who can help you to access the independent advice you need on all respiratory conditions. Their websites contain pages and pages of useful information such as how to stay well in the winter to travel advice if your heading to for sunnier climes. They provide help when you need it, fund research and can guide you from the day you receive your diagnosis.
Can I join in?
We welcome any input from you personally, be it a reflection of how your chest condition affects your life, a link to a blog, a forum or website you feel will be of interest to others. You will find customer stories scattered throughout these pages. You can read how Carol increased her lung function with the power of song, why Phil Johnson nicknamed his portable nebuliser the “pocket rocket” and Olivia’s inspirational story of how she turned her life around, despite suffering from devastating Brittle Asthma she become a healthcare hero, working with groups like AUKCAR.
Do you know your InnoSpire Go from your AC2000? Will an InnoSpire Deluxe work in Europe or would you be better with the InnoSpire Mini? Just who are Pari and what can you expect from their robust well designed nebulisers? Discover why the nebuliser you used in hospital may not be the right one for you at home. We strive, through our many links, to bring resources together which will help you move forward. Hints and tips ranging from choosing the right nebuliser for you or your family member, understanding just what is available and what you can expect from each unit, to the care and maintenance of your device once purchased.
By linking together the information surrounding nebulisers as well as exploding a few myths along the way, we hope to help you achieve the best therapy possible and at the same time enable you to continue to live your life as independently as possible.
We gather together news from manufactures such as Philips Nebulisers, Omron Nebulisers, Pari Nebulisers, Medix Nebulisers and Beurer Nebulisers along with evidence based research as well as your own personal experiences. Our ambition is to present well rounded, factual and practical information which enables you to make an informed choice when purchasing.
In simple terms, a blog is a website, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis and we hope you find the stuff we write useful and beneficial. If you feel you have any hints, tips or ideas that can help people or simply want to tell your story please feel free to contact us and join in via email or give us a call.