Lung health. Lung Help.
Everyday we speak to people who are lost, confused and overwhelmed by their diagnosis. Our useful links are the experts. Expert clinical professionals as well as expert patients. Why not click on a link and see what they have to offer?

What the British Lung Foundation do for you
Someone dies from lung disease every 5 minutes. The British Lung Foundation hope to change this. They are a UK charity that looks after the nation’s lungs. They want to make sure that one day everyone will breathe clean air with healthy lungs. Their aim is always to improve care and to prevent, treat and cure lung diseases. In 30 years they have spent £25m on lung research in order to offer hope and their helpline answers more than 17,000 calls a year, offering vital support. Today, they have 230+ Breathe Easy support groups throughout the UK to support people with lung disease, their families, friends and carers.
Asthma UK
Every ten seconds someone in the UK has a potentially life-threatening asthma attack and three people die every day. Tragically two thirds of these deaths could be prevented, whilst others still suffer with asthma so severe current treatments don't work. Asthma UK are the UK's leading asthma research charity, working towards better treatments, diagnosis, care and hopefully one day a cure. They campaign to improve care and quality for you. They do this by identifying and raising awareness of issues affecting people with asthma and developing practical solutions to these problems. Whether you've just been diagnosed with asthma, you've just had an asthma attack, you want to support someone who has the condition, or even if you're not sure if you have asthma or not - you can find answers on their website. Why not read more about their work or get involved? They may just have answers you're searching for!
The Cystic Fibrosis Trust
People with Cystic Fibrosis often require more than 50 tablets a day, plus a couple of hours of physiotherapy at home and some nebulised treatments. Low digestive efficiency can also mean they have to consume more than 1,000 extra calories and being prone to Infections can mean multiple trips to hospital that last more than a week each throughout a year.
The Cystic Fibrosis Trust are campaigning hard for a life unlimited by Cystic Fibrosis for everyone affected by the condition. They are determined to ensure that people with CF have access to life changing treatments Cystic fibrosis should not be a barrier that stops you from living the life you want. The Cystic Fibrosis Trust are there to provide high quality trusted information and assist those who need them most. They are working towards a brighter future for everyone with Cystic Fibrosis by funding cutting-edge research, driving up standards of care and supporting people with the condition and their loved ones every step of the way. Everyone with Cystic Fibrosis is unique and will have their own relationship with CF and their own range of symptoms if you want to find out more take a look at their website.
20-20 Voice Cancer
Conversation is something we often take for granted but for some of you it can prove difficult. An acute shortness of breath can often make it very difficult to express your needs or ask for help. Imagine not being able to speak at all. Cancer is always an overwhelming diagnosis but if it's cancer of the head or neck one outcome of your treatment could be or a stoma or hole in your throat, a tracheostomy, or laryngectomy which may leave you without the ability to speak.
That's where the "20-20 Voice" Cancer Appeal comes in their aim is to provide up to the minute camera technology to ENT units nationwide. Early detection gives head & neck patients the best chance of retaining the power of speech. It gives ENT specialists not only the opportunity of an early diagnosis but the opportunity of immediate treatment which saves the patient unnecessary stress, providing a greater chance of avoiding major surgery. They provide information, guidance and support to Laryngectomees, their families, the medical fraternity and the wider community on cancers of the head and neck as well as assisting in the provision of specialist equipment to hospitals.
Our Nebuliser Friends
Getting to grips with anything new can be tricky. For us it was technology and social media but we took it slowly and shouted HELP when we needed it, more often than I care to admit!
Recently we were given another push by one of our customers and we can honestly say we have been bowled over by the atmosphere of friendly support, intelligent advice and community spirit. Friends are there waiting to help, at national level and more importantly at local level. Friends such as The Wigan Warblers community choir passionate about singing for COPD and long term health conditions.
Mark, over at asthmablog1971, has lots of useful posts full of his experiences with nebulisers and other difficult encounters he has with his asthma. These are both great examples of how other people with long term medical conditions are waiting to reach out to you.
You can find all sorts of activities and interests online, be it our useful links or social media like on Facebook or Twitter. So if you're a little lost and confused, worried by your new diagnosis or just want to find a friend why not take a look?