Opening Up After Lockdown
As lockdown begins to ease and more and more people are vaccinated a lot of our customers are tentatively beginning to venture out. We thought you would like to share a few of their adventures.

Simon and his wife are huge dog lovers
Simon lives with C.O.P.D. and throughout lockdown has only managed short walks with their two Jack Russells, but now he’s feeling bold and has booked a weeks walking holiday in Wales. He can take his usual mains powered nebuliser with him as they’re staying in a Bed & Breakfast, but if he wants to keep up with his wife and two pups he’s going to need a little extra support when they’re out and about. After a chat and some careful thought he decided the Beurer IH60 Nebuliser would be perfect.
The Beurer IH60 is small enough to fit in his pocket but still uses an air tube, medication chamber and mask with which he is familiar. It has a rechargeable battery so he will be able to use it if they’re out rambling the fields, on the beach with a picnic or discreetly in a cafe. Now all he needs is a break in the weather. Hopefully he won’t be getting too wet this summer.
Matt is a football fan
Matt is a dedicated supporter of Manchester City and on the 29th May is hoping to travel to Portugal for the UEFA Champions League Final. He doesn’t normally travel to the matches abroad as living with Cystic Fibrosis can at times be limiting. However having had so little opportunity to attend games since lockdown and this being a chance of a lifetime he’s decided to go for it.
Matt was looking for a portable nebuliser capable of nebulising all his complex therapies so he decided on the Philips InnoSpire Mini Nebuliser. He already uses the Philips SideStream Plus Chamber for his nebulised antibiotic at home, which makes caring for his accessories simple and a rechargeable battery will ensure he can nebulise anywhere. Matt was excited to learn that the Innospire Mini also has a lead to nebulise in a car and can be plugged in anywhere in the world. Who knows once we’re given the green light for global travel where he’ll end up?
Rose is hoping to see her family
Rose has adult onset asthma and recently she’s been getting more breathless.
Her G.P. has ruled out anxiety (though with COVID-19 and lockdown who could blame him for asking) and after a thorough assessment has decided it’s now time for Rose to have the support and back up offered by a nebuliser. Between them they have agreed a protocol for its use and so far Rose hasn’t had to use it too often. Rose is thinking that finally it’s time to visit her family in Scotland. During lockdown she became a Grandma and is desperate to meet the baby.
Rose choose the Omron MicroAir U100 Mesh Nebuliser. She liked the idea of new technology, but more so she liked the fact that it was virtually silent and therefore wouldn’t wake the baby. Operating on shop bought batteries appealed too as she could pack extra AAs and wouldn’t have to worry about plugging in for a recharge. I’m sure Rose and all her family will enjoy a tearful grand reunion.
Jane has a tracheostomy
Jane had her tracheostomy many years ago and after an initial shaky start has continued to live her life to the full. Eight years ago she invested in an Omron C30 home and portable nebuliser which has served her well, enabling her to go out and about with confidence. As lockdown lifted she made up her mind it was time for a new one. Unfortunately Jane was alarmed to discover the Omron C30 was no longer available and was asking our advice as to which nebuliser to choose as a replacement.
We suggested she take a look at the Philips InnoSpire Go Nebuliser. Despite not having a tracheostomy mask this little gem has proved popular with many of our customers who have a neck stoma. It comes with what’s known as a mask adaptor which just happens to fit perfectly over a standard neck stoma. It’s easy to clean, lighter than a C30, more portable and rechargeable. Jane was a little hesitant at first but has since called to say it’s wonderful and that it nebulises much quicker than her C30. She only wishes she’d known about it sooner.
The last 12 months have been difficult for the majority of our customers. Living with a respiratory condition makes you vulnerable to all sorts of germs and viruses. COVID-19 has made life particularly scary and we know, from your calls, that most of you had been advised to “shield”. It is uplifting to hear that now you’re making plans, looking forward and slowly returning to normal. The excitement is audible and long may it last. If you recognise yourself in any of these people and need help to take that first step, you can call us on 01942 701210, send us an email or simply stop by our website and check out what’s available. Who knows where you may venture to this summer?
Have a read of some more Patient Stories.