"To provide real service you must add something which cannot be bought."
The reasons for choosing a nebuliser can be different for everyone, here are just a few of your recent stories.

“Hello Evergreen can I help?”
Mr Dand called around lunchtime, from his car, following an appointment with his Respiratory Consultant. He has lived with COPD for a while but recently felt that his inhalers weren’t quite enough anymore. His consultant had recommended now might be the right time to buy a nebuliser. Mr Dand was keen to get started and having had a brief look at the website he was still quite unsure where to start. He knew he only wanted a mains powered nebuliser as initially he would only be using it occasionally. After a short chat and explanations of the specifications of those on offer he decided on a Philips InnoSpire Essence with a couple of extra nebuliser kits.
For Mr Dand it was simple to operate, easy to keep clean, had a reliable history and was just the right size for his coffee table, not to mention its competitive price. It was processed, wrapped and waiting for the courier before he even pulled out of the car park.
“Hello Evergreen can I help?”
Mrs Todd called last week. Due to her age and other medical conditions she no longer really ever leaves her house and a large portion of her day is spent in her chair with the telly. She called us as her mains powered nebuliser was getting quite old. It was taking an age to nebulise even 2.5ml of medication and Mrs Todd was prescribed 3 ampules, 4 times a day. Although she recognised that with her existing nebuliser she wasn’t receiving an effective therapy, she found the time it took was comforting, allowing her to breathe at her own pace. She was worried that a new compressor, performing effectively, would make her feel anxious and set off a bout of coughing. We suggested she take a look at the new MediGenix MGX-017. The motor is powerful enough to cope with all her medication and it has the added bonus of an innovative medication chamber with an on-demand trigger function which gives her the freedom to nebulise, pausing if need be. She can choose between a continuous or an intermittent therapy and take as much time as she wishes. An idea she found very appealing. It was delivered the next day.
We no longer stock the MediGenix MGX-017.
“Hello Evergreen can I help?”
When Sharon called this morning her first words were “don’t laugh!” We promised we wouldn’t and she went on to explain her vet had recommended she invest in a nebuliser for her rabbits. They have been suffering with a chesty wheeze and a runny nose for quite a while and Sharon and the vet had tried other options but with only minimal success. She was relieved to learn people buy nebulisers for their pets all the time, once they’ve spoken with their vet of course. Dogs, horses, parrots even pigs and penguins can all benefit from nebuliser therapy. It can be a little tricky as to how that therapy is delivered depending on the size of your pet but usually something suitable can be fashioned with a little ingenuity. We have several vet practices and animal charities who are regular customers and the Pari Compact 2 nebuliser seems to be the nebuliser of choice. That was recommendation enough for Sharon who was quite happy to pay the added VAT. She was arranging the rabbits prescription tonight and their nebuliser will be delivered tomorrow.
“Hello Evergreen can I help”
Mrs Taylor is a regular customer as her mum is living in residential accommodation and has to use a nebuliser 4 times a day. She telephones often as her mum is a little forgetful now and often loses the baffle from her medication chamber as well forgetting to wash it as regularly as she should. The staff at her accommodation often phone Mrs Taylor to report that once again the nebuliser isn’t working and her mother is starting to panic. Today was different as her mum's compressor really had given up and she was hoping for advice on which to purchase to replace it. We suggested she take a look at the Omron CompAir Pro C900. It’s a straightforward powerful compressor and the neb kit that comes with it is only 2 parts. No baffle required and it still produces an effective therapy. It’s the model that Omron produce for hospitals so it’s also compatible with other manufacturers nebuliser kits which means that any spare kits Mrs Taylor has can still be put too good use. With that in mind Mrs Taylor was happy to place her order and have it delivered directly to her mum at the residential home.
The C900 is no longer in production but we still stock the spares and accessories for this model.
Sidestream or Sidestream Plus
There is never a dull moment in the Evergreen Nebulisers office and this is just a small sample of the calls we take every day as well as all your email enquiries. We have almost 30 years experience in helping you find the right nebuliser for your needs and over the years we have grown our range so we can offer you high quality products that are proven to meet our own exacting standards. We supply mains powered and portable models from the following reputable manufacturers: Philips Nebulisers, Omron Nebulisers, Pari Nebulisers, Medix Nebulisers and Beurer Nebulisers.
A great deal of of our knowledge comes directly from you, our customers, and we are more than happy to share it with others. So, if you can’t tell your Sidestream from your Sidestream Plus, your C803 from your C28, or if you’re wondering what is the difference between a Pari O-PEP and a Flutter? Then why not email or give us a call? Using a nebuliser doesn’t need to be complicated. We’re here and happy to help.
Photo credits: Valentin Antonucci