Nebuliser use during the Coronavirus pandemic
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There is lots of misinformation floating around about COVID-19. Pari Medical are constantly innovating and researching and have published guidance for nebuliser use during the Coronavirus pandemic.

You may feel that since the onset of the pandemic we have been a little quiet. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy, answering your calls, trying to follow the science and provide as many factual answers to your questions as possible. In fact, during the initial phase we barely had chance to draw breath. People were scared and looking for a solution and although a nebuliser can be a useful tool in the treatment of COVID-19 it is not a ventilator nor a CPAP machine and should only be used with advice from your medical professional.
A nebuliser is a medical device used in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as COPD, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis and you can read more about they work here: What is a nebuliser?
One thing we do know according to NICE guidelines is that you can continue to use your nebuliser safely. This is because “the aerosol comes from the fluid in the nebuliser chamber and will not carry virus particles from the patient.” Patients with chronic respiratory diseases should continue their treatment as usual. Find out more from NICE here:
Hygiene is obviously more important than ever. Only you and nobody else, not even another member of your family, should use the same nebuliser chamber as you. Always follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions and if you're unsure there are some good hints and tips about nebuliser accessories here: Have you changed your accessories recently?
Nebulisers have played an important role towards the science of tackling COVID-19.
Back in spring nebulisers were in great demand. As the case numbers rose and demand from the NHS grew we were also taking calls from research labs, universities and private organisations who were looking for multiple nebulisers to test, not just treatments for the virus, but investigate the spread, the value of wearing a face mask and other research studies. Everyone pulling together in the race to ease the burden this virus imposed. A juggling act which I think, with the help of our suppliers and patience from our customers, we achieved. Thank you.
The name Pari has been synonymous with inhalation therapy for many decades
Pari’s nebulisers and devices are clinically proven and tried & tested. A trusted brand for doctors, pharmacists and patients. You can read more about them here: Why choose a Pari Nebuliser?
Pari prioritise innovation and they a have strategic approach to research and development. Recently they have published advice and interviews with leading German clinicians covering respiratory diseases and nebuliser therapy, particularly isotonic saline and COVID-19. Read more from Pari here on their website. A professor in pulmonology, a senior physiotherapist, a hospital medical director and an aerosol expert share their advice and experience. Whether you suffer with COPD, Asthma or Cystic Fibrosis it makes for an interesting and insightful read - why not take a look?
Image credits: Hello I'm Nik