Celebrating fifty years of Pari Boy Nebulisers
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How can you help Pari to motivate people to get active?

Here's to another fifty years.
For over a 100 years Pari Medical has made a name for itself as a company specialising in treating respiratory disease and has grown from a small family firm into a global company building a reputation for excellence. Fifty years ago they launched the first of their Pari Boy range of nebulisers, the Pari InhalerBoy. Designed to make nebulising at home a reality, they have continued to innovate working closely with doctors from the research sector, hospitals and medical practices as well as their patients. Listening to their needs means they are able to transform these needs into advanced solutions. Fiercely proud of their reputation you can see their range and find out more about Pari here: Why choose a Pari Nebuliser? 2018 sees them celebrating the 50 year anniversary of the Pari Boy nebuliser range and they are inviting you to join in too.
Getting involved.
To say thank you and to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of the Pari Boy, Pari are offering free T shirts to anyone who would like to take part in a sporting event or personal challenge. Not only that but if you take a photo of yourself during the challenge and post it to their Facebook page they will donate 10 Euros to The British Lung Foundation or the Cystic Fibrosis societies of Europe, Australia and New Zealand. It’s a great way of encouraging us all to get more active.
We all have to start somewhere
If we are going to change our attitude to physical activity then it needs to become a natural and important part of our lives, not something else for us to find the time to do. For some people this will mean heading to the gym, but for others it may include walking more, dancing, gardening, following keep fit videos at home, cycling, martial arts or even rock climbing. Physical activity can be described as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure.
We all know that exercise works. Research has proved time and time again that being active at what ever level is good for our health. It improves our lung capacity, strengthens muscles, including our heart and breathing muscles. Getting breathless when we exercise can actually be good for us. Physical activity also has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing. It is known that even a short burst of 10 minutes brisk walking increases mental alertness, energy and positive mood states.
What are you waiting for?
Pari are offering you the perfect moment to make a start. Help them celebrate 50 years of Pari Boy by joining them in their mission for 2018 to help improve the lives of those affected by respiratory diseases.
If you’re a beginner and a little shy, consider a personal challenge. Walking for health have a lovely website to get you started. If you need a little more encouragement you can find other hints and tips here: Can you improve your lung function?
If you are feeling more confident our useful links have lots of ideas for how you can get involved. Don’t forget if you take a picture of yourself wearing your Pari T shirt and post it on their Facebook page they will donate 10 Euros. You can even take part in several events or set yourself multiple challenges! Simply post a photo of you wearing the T-shirt at each event and PARI will make a donation each time.