The Dog Sitter with Cystic Fibrosis
Being diagnosed with CF at 14yrs hasn't stopped Jago living life to the full.

Jago Hartland, at only 21 years old, is an undisputed healthcare hero who always goes above and beyond. Despite living with cystic fibrosis he is an ambassador for Above and Beyond and The Yes Tribe for whom he spends much of his energy and time rasing awareness and funds.
When he's not out adventuring he earns his living dog sitting. The Dog Sitter with Cystic Fibrosis is a true story based on his experience. It aims to help younger people cope with their CF. Read on to learn more about Jago's inspiration for writing The Dog Sitter with Cystic Fibrosis.
It was very difficult to learn about my CF without searching the ‘scary’ outcomes and the brutal truth about how it physically affects our bodies. It led me to search the web for CF books from the diagnosed point of view, so I could read about the condition in a lighter sense and in a more personal tone. It was when I was searching that I had realised there was a very limited amount of books available specifically for kids with cystic fibrosis.
After my diagnosis, I set myself a challenge to fundraise over £1,000 a year towards different charities by taking on events and in 2015, I began looking after dogs when I was fundraising for my first charity challenge. Dog sitting allowed me to raise money and look after my CF condition at the same time, as a usual workplace had proved challenging to my health in the past. It was when I was sat multiple times with the dogs whilst I was doing nebulisers, antibiotics or lying ill in bed that I realised this could be a story children can learn from. I wrote ‘The Dog Sitter with Cystic Fibrosis’ based on my experiences for children to learn about their disease in a more comfortable environment.
I have had a very positive response from the book. It has been a real pleasure to hear from so many of cystic fibrosis warriors and family members of young children with the condition. I hope one day we will continue to fight until CF stands for 'Cure Found'.
Thank you.
Dog sitting has allowed Jago to work while looking after his Cystic Fibrosis condition and it certainly hasn't been easy. All the dogs have left a big impression on him, from his morning antibiotics to his late night nebulisers, they have been watching and supporting him for years.