Summer Struggles
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Does hay fever trigger your asthma? Does the changeable summer weather find you having to nebulise more often? Does having shielded for 18 months mean your more vulnerable to everyday viruses and infections?
These are just some of the struggles we are hearing from you everyday.

Allergies are always tricky to manage
But spring/summer tree, grass and weed pollen cause hay fever, which can affect your lungs. Knowing your pollen triggers and their seasons can help reduce the risk of your hay fever triggering an asthma attack. Asthma UK have a very useful Pollen Calendar and lots of other helpful tips for helping to reduce your symptoms and make life a little more bearable.
For anyone who already needs to nebulise it can lead to an exacerbation of your chronic condition and therefore an increase in the amount of times you need your therapy.
And it’s not just the pollen count you have to be wary of
Hot weather can cause your symptoms to flare up, especially if you let yourself become dehydrated, so be sure to drink plenty as temperatures sore.
Strong sunshine also causes the level of ozone and other air pollutants in the air to rise, this can trigger your symptoms and cause breathing problems. Hot, humid, changeable weather can also make your breathing problems worse. The British Lung Foundation is an excellent resource whichever lung condition you are struggling to live with.
During lockdown a lot of our customers reported an improvement with their lung condition. People with C.O.P.D. Bronchiectasis, Asthma and others diagnosis all reported and improvement to their breathing during shielding. Whether that was a result of not being near busy roads, not having to commute to work, or simply not being exposed to coughs and colds. Many of you stated that your lungs were certainly felt a lot healthier. However since lockdown easing began and you started to tentatively get back to normal symptoms are creeping back in.
What can we do to help?
We are a long established family business which has grown successfully over thirty two years, with a background in both hospital and community healthcare. Through customer recommendations, the support of our suppliers and developments in technology, we have continued to build the business to our own high standards and are now the UK's nebuliser specialists.
Owning a nebuliser shouldn’t be complicated. We offer amazing customer service that includes competitive pricing, a secure and simple to navigate website, and speedy delivery when you have chosen the product you need. Our first class after sales service means that we’re just a phone call away and we stock all the necessary replacement parts you need to keep your nebuliser performing efficiently.
If you’re old nebuliser is about to give up the ghost, or feel a second nebuliser for your bedroom, mini break, static caravan or holiday cottage would be useful then take a look at the Omron CompAir C28P Nebuliser. At £39.99 it might just solve a few of your problems. Or if you’re looking for something more portable we have a range of lightweight, efficient machines that you can pop in your pocket when you set off on your new adventures.
Mucus Clearance Devices are a non medical way to bring relief from stressful and strenuous coughing which can leave you exhausted. Excessive mucus in the lungs not only makes breathing more difficult but if allowed to build up can lead to an infection. We stock a range of simple, easy to clean devices which when used for regular sessions of between 5 to 15 minutes can produce a beneficial effect, equivalent to that delivered by physiotherapy techniques. Both children and adults can master the technique allowing people of all ages to gain relief quickly and easily.
So if you’re still stuck inside missing out on family and friends reunions. Tired of postponing that mini break you promised yourself or simply hoping for a walk in the park. Why not contact our useful links for support and advice, have a scroll through this blog there’s lots more to learn, or click over onto our website and find out more.
We have spoken to a great many customers and health professionals these past 30 plus years and are happy to pass on their knowledge to you. We’re only a phone call away and always happy to help.