Making 2019 the best year ever
Whether you choose to make New Year resolutions or not, every January feels like a new beginning, ripe with possibility and opportunity, we are hoping to make 2019 our best year yet.

How are we going to achieve this?
Customer Service has always been right at the heart of our nebuliser business and last year saw the launch of our new streamlined website, which, judging by your feedback has succeeded in improving your customer experience. Our aim was to deliver clean lines, easy to navigate pages, text that is easy to read and products that were simple to find. We added in features that you requested such as images of accessories, an alternative pay point and even more product detail. You wanted it to be functional, accessible and customer focused and we responded.
This year we’re going one step further
Over the course of the next twelve months we aim to bring you even more of the elements you have asked for, such as including a free Philips Lite Touch Face Mask when you buy an InnoSpire Go, highlighting which nebulisers are more suitable for your personal respiratory therapy, or our current winter offer which was designed specifically in response to your feedback.
For some of you, the colder months mean you have to nebulise more often. In fact a British Lung Foundation report showed that hospital admissions in winter rise by 80% for those with lung disease. This is why we offering 5 free Philips medication chambers when you purchase an InnoSpire Essence from us. It’s an offer which is proving extremely popular.
We’re off to a good start
This is only the beginning. We aim to work closely with you and our suppliers over the coming months, checking prices, delivery options, packages available, to bring you Evergreen Nebulisers at our very best. Innovation and imagination are our key words. Watch this space. We will keep you updated as always via this blog, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to make sure you don’t miss out. Of course as always we are happy to listen, you can call 01942 701210 if you any ideas, suggestions or problems you want solved. If you prefer to email we’re just a couple of clicks away. To quote Henry Ford, “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.”