Now you can find us on Instagram
Follow us on our new Instagram page for all the latest updates and a lighthearted look at the nebuliser news.

Struggling with a chronic chest condition can drain your energy, take away your spirit and make simple tasks feel very difficult. Which is why we believe owning a nebuliser shouldn’t be complicated. A nebuliser should be a device that helps you live your life not hinder it. This is why over the years we have grown our range of products, choosing those which suit your needs, streamlined our website, making it easier for you to choose and order as well as embraced social media, therefore becoming as accessible as possible, providing you lots of opportunity to source and view our products.
Our latest adventure is with Instagram
Instagram is a social messaging app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone. It’s a bit like Facebook only simpler and with more emphasis on the visual. Let’s face it there’s nothing better than a picture to clear up any confusion and Instagram is all about pictures.
We get lots of calls from you asking for “the blue bit”, “the barrel”, the yellow one like my neighbour” which is why over the coming weeks we aim to build a comprehensive catalogue on our Instagram site @evergreennebs. Hopefully this will help you recognise and choose just what you need, helping you to pin down instantly just which nebuliser or nebuliser accessories you’re searching for. We will also be using it like a mini blog, giving you fast access to all the seasonal news, latest technology developments and manufacturers updates about nebulisers and lung disease so you are never left out of the loop and we might even have a little fun along the way.
Instagram is very user friendly and entertaining. It’s a great way to build a community and we know from Twitter that many of our customers count us as part of their community. Why not take a look? Become part of the Evergreen community. Joining at the beginning may require a little patience as we build this platform to the standard we aim for and it will be all the better for your help. Sometimes social media when used appropriately can be a useful tool as well as good for the soul.
Not for you?
Don’t worry, you can still shop on our website at and, as always, you can give us a call on 01942 701 210 for anything you might need for your neb!
We supply models and accessories from the following reputable manufacturers.